Wednesday, August 31, 2011

I Have A Nice 'Little' Family

Our first full family photo shoot was a complete success. Haley had nice hair, Sasha let me do something with hers, David looked great, Noah actually smiled and Eli wasn't a complete fussy-butt. Like I said, Success! Sometimes it is the little things.
August 2011
We made our annual trek to the State Fair on Monday. That was pretty successful as well. The only kid to throw up was Eli, but unfortunately it was on Daddy's shoulder. Good thing Daddy was super smart and wore 2 shirts that day. All the other kids rode rides, even the upside down ones, without even the tiniest amount of sickness... but I felt sick just watching them so apparently that counted.
Sasha and Noah in the front on the Tiger Roller Coaster
David and Haley about to be spun around upside down on El Nino.

Nana also made the trek from Philadelphia this week to visit the kids. Good thing Eli was evicted from the womb a few weeks ago, he was able to enjoy a good amount of Nana Snuggle Time. It was a fast visit but everyone enjoyed the time Nana was here. Lots of pictures, lots of memories. And a couple rounds of Pickup Sticks.

Nana enjoying a little snuggle time with Eli.
We also enjoyed a nice Baby Shower / BBQ at Grandma Vonda and Grandpa Randy's house. Good food, lots of family and I believe that we counted that 15 different people held Eli that day. WOW! I think that is a new record for different people in one day, lol.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Littlest Man is 2 Weeks Old

My little man is already turning 2 weeks old... I cannot believe how fast the last 2 weeks have come and gone. 2 weeks ago, right now, I was sitting pretty in the hospital, praising the anesthesiologist and his magical epidural skills. Heck, I'm STILL praising him, lol. Planning and hoping and praying for our baby doesn't take away in the least bit how much I am enjoying every moment with him. Even at 2am when he is gassy and fussy and screaming up a fit something fierce.

Since Eli has joined our family I have had small opportunities between naps to finish up some things that couldn't be done until after his arrival. One of the downfalls of not naming your child until they arrive... nothing has their name on it! I did finally get his name done for the Nursery Nook, and I think it turned out cute. Adam hung them up for me on Sunday and it looks great.

Elijah in an afternoon nap
13 days old
The other kids come home on Friday, and we've all missed them. It will be interesting to hear from them how much Eli has changed in the last 2 weeks. We see little changes every day, but they will have to take them in all at once. And hopefully they understand that a 2 week old baby cries much more than a newborn.

Friday, August 19, 2011

It's Friday already? Wow...

Time is flying faster than I ever thought possible. If there is one thing I have learned in the last year is that living in the here and now is important; you need to savor every moment because the next one is coming up real quick.

Eli napping through his first BBQ.
Aug 13
Elijah is now 10 days old, and he is a total rock star. Like rocking out, head banging, devil horns... Rock. Star. He is slowly becoming more alert and having more awake periods. And he is sleeping like a champ at night... until 4am. Then he is a little fussy-butt until about 7am, when he wants to sleep again. Adam and I have been taking turns entertaining Eli for those 3 hours while the other person sleeps. This morning it included me snoozing on the couch for 3 hours holding a slightly fussy baby... who is also extremely warm and snuggly. Worth it.

Haley, David, Sasha and Noah are all at Camp Greider this week. From the sounds of it they are having a blast. We are hoping for a full report when they return from their other parent's house next week. And maybe some pictures, if Haley remembered her camera/camcorder thingy.
Haley chatting on the phone with Nana
And now I am feeling crafty... gonna grab a second cup of coffee and work on a picture frame project that has been shoved to the side for a month as Eli swings away happily.
Eli chillin' out in his swing

Saturday, August 13, 2011

the adventures of a newborn

The last few days have been a blur... Adam and I were chatting earlier about how things have changed, and how we're adapting to the changes. All in all, I think it's been pretty perfect.

Elijah came home on Thursday, after just a short 2 night stay in the hospital. Despite his size of only 6 pounds he is doing great, eating and sleeping well and really seems to be a chill baby. It's all I could have hoped for.

Most of the Blake Family attended a wedding on Friday; it was an intimate affair in a beautiful park setting, fountains and gazebo for the stage. Elijah nearly stole the show, as most 3-day old babies might, but love was in the air and the focus was, rightly so, on the bride and groom.
Cindy and Josh Kepler
Aug 12, 2011

3 out of 4 kids are just head-over-heals for their little brother. Poor Noah, I think he is disappointed that Elijah doesn't or can't play with him just yet... we kept telling him it would be a while but he must have thought we were exaggerating. We weren't. Sleeping, crying, eating and making dirty diapers... that's pretty much the game plan for the next several months.
Noah holding Elijah

David and Elijah

Proud Sasha being a good big sister

Haley and Elijah finally get some quality time together
Now Elijah is asleep for the first chunk of the night and I'm off to bed for a precious 3 hour sleep. And feeling lucky in my new role as Mom.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Introducing the newest member of the Blake Family.

Elijah Sawyer Blake
August 9, 2011

Monday, August 8, 2011

T-Minus 1 day

Today being the first day of the rest of our lives...?!? wait, no, that isn't right... of my official maternity leave, yeah... it means that this is potentially the last opportunity to start up this blog. I've been meaning to do it for the last... four years? Cripes, we've been a busy family.

Tomorrow Baby Boy Blake is set to arrive, and our family will grow by 1. Though, with how I am feeling I really wouldn't be surprised if there was more in there. The doctor assures me there is only one, which is great because even though I have enough clothing for a litter of babies, I only have one swing. I hear swings are important.

The house is ready, the boys (including Adam) have had haircuts and the girls are ready for a baby brother that they won't have to share a room with. Haley pointed out last night at the dinner table that boys are not allowed in the girls room without parent permission so therefore the new baby won't be "touching her stuff". Priorities.

Noah is very excited - he can't wait to play Star Wars with new Baby Boy Blake. I think he will be pretty disappointed when he realizes that Daddy and I are not kidding that the baby's only interests for some time will be sleeping, eating, pooping, and crying. I hope in that order.

Haley, David and Sasha are much more realistic of what is about to happen, though at some point I do expect the poor little guy to be in a dress and headband with a huge pink flower on it. Perhaps a little lip gloss, too. We'll just assume that Sasha thought he wanted to be a princess...

As for Adam and I... I think he is actually more excited about tomorrow than I am. I find myself nervous and excited and apprehensive... he views tomorrow as getting an extra 18 years of acting like a kid. "Just have fun with it" has been his motto and I hope I can adopt it easily.

Regardless... ready or not here he comes.